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“We thought it was a dream…Sarit made it a sweet reality.


We found Sarit on the internet. We arranged to meet with her for an informal chat (not an interview) during one of our many home-hunting trips that we made to Israel.


Sarit arrived on time for our appointment and was full of enthusiasm and ideas for what would be our home in Israel. Sarit advised us to concentrate on choosing the ideal home and when we had selected that which we wished to purchase, she would accompany us, for an informal, and fee-free discussion as to what she could envisage for the property that we had chosen.


We accepted Sarit’s offer and in due course Sarit accompanied us to what we had selected – in reality we had 3 x properties in mind and Sarit gave us her advice for a whole day at no cost or charge and we saw and discussed all three properties…all we had to do was to keep her “fed and watered”!


Once we had made-up our mind, the next stage was to purchase the property and Sarit was most useful in liaising with both our agents and our solicitor. In fact, wherever Sarit’s footprint is found, the whole process went so much faster and smoother.


Once we had purchased our apartment – it is a 150 sq m apartment in Netanya – the real Sarit emerged – efficient, co-ordinated and determined.


We arranged that we would fly-out for a 10 day period and in those 10 days everything from tiling to air-conditioning; from kitchen to store-room; from bedrooms to net curtains; from balcony furniture to lounge furniture; from rugs to towels was disused and purchased with delivery being phased and scheduled by Sarit.


At every stage Sarit used CAD – computer aided design – so as to show us the proportion and size of our proposed purchase in relation to the layout of the apartment. Often, we selected what we liked only for Sarit strongly and forcibly to say “This will not work” and advise against the purchase. Strangely, she was ALWAYS right!


Sarit knows where to go; who to see; when to push for better prices and how to haggle.


Whether it is a contractor with workmen or a designer with flair, Sarit knows the right words and phrases to use to maximise their efforts and to minimise our costs – a real “win-win” relationship.


We cannot emphasise enough that with Sarit one is acquiring a friend – not a contractor. Sarit cares. Sarit is a proud lady who wants her clients to become her friend and wants only to succeed.


We are north London Jews who are used to efficiency and speed – with Israel one has to accept that not everything goes smoothly the first time! Well, with Sarit, it ALL went smoothly for everything.


Our vision and our dreams were encapsulated in an amazing apartment which, as we told to her when we first met, we wanted a “wow” factor, and boy-oh-boy, Sarit has fully delivered everything that she promised.


Sarit turns words and dreams into reality.


A few final points to add to our letter of recommendation – Sarit is good at record keeping and will provide a detailed expenditure break-down, if requested; Sarit is responsive to emails and efficient and timely; Sarit has fluent colloquial English and does not struggle in any manner to understand what it is that her English speaking clients seek – whether they be UK, USA or Australian or from elsewhere. Strangely enough, our own liaisons with Sarit were always done by email and we have never actually spoken on the ‘phone as Sarit is so efficient at confirming all by written communication.


Sarit has integrity and believes in transparency…a refreshing, open and honest lady who will add vigour and vibrancy and a beautiful and fresh smile every-time you meet with her.


For us, we have been blessed to make the acquaintance and now friendship of this most talented, kind and delightful lady.


We whole heartedly would recommend that if you are thinking of purchasing a property in Israel and seek a turn-key, hassle-free option, then talk to Sarit"


Juliet and Richard, NW London, Spring 2015

Richard & Juliat


Dear Sarit,


Sue and I would like to thank you for all the assistance you have given in designing our beautiful apartment in Ehud Manor.

You have been correct in all your advice and showed great patience in dealing with our many request and queries.


When we were not there you kept us informed at every step in the progress of the work.

Dealing with builders is never easy but you took control of our builder and got the result we wanted. We finished on time and reasonably well in budget.

If there were concerns from us with regard to suppliers, you stood up for us and got the best delivery dates and discounts.

You attention to detail is reflected in the splendid outcome of our project.


Thank you for your effort and look forward to our continuing friendship.


Kind regards,

Sue and Greg Lander

Sue and Greg Lander

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